Transforming access and use of documentation

Gullers Grupp

"Information at your fingertips"

Cassidy makes it easy for us to get our employees exactly the information they need - right when they need it.

Gullers Grupp
Andreas Killander
Creative Director

Understanding the Opportunity

Andreas Killander, Creative Director of Gullers Grupp, a leading European communication consultancy driving societal impact, knew that he had to integrate the power of generative AI into the business. One main challenge was Gullers Grupp had an abundance of data and documentation but it was scattered and hard to access. Andreas thought that there needed to be a way for new powerful AI models to leverage this data to allow employees to easily get answers to questions, create content, develop proposals, and deliver insights to clients.

Implementing Cassidy

After implementing Cassidy, Gullers Grupp created a range of AI assistants to seamlessly tap into their extensive documentation, transforming the way they accessed crucial data. A few specific assistants that supercharge Gullers’ work include an assistant to access vast amounts of governmental documentation so they can provide insights to their clients, an assistant to automatically answer internal employee questions in Slack, and an assistant to generate custom proposals in seconds. With the ability to leverage Cassidy in their existing internal tools (like Slack), it can be effortlessly adopted throughout the entire organization. With Cassidy, the Gullers team can now tap into the power of their own data, delivering exceptional results and propelling the company forward in the modern AI landscape.

Ready to transform your work with Cassidy?

Access to the top models

Cassidy includes the top 5+ leading AI models.


Intelligent assistants personalized to your team.


Automate tasks with custom, data-driven workflows.

AI knowledge base

Centralized intelligence for smarter automation.

Chrome extension

Cassidy at your fingertips with browser extensions.

No model training

Unlike ChatGPT, Cassidy never trains with your data.

Access to the top models

Advanced security within your workspace.

Integrates with 100+ tools

Cassidy connects to all of your existing tools.